by Eric Wyatt | Feb 23, 2019 | Managing and Extending
Branders Toolbox: Adobe Photoshop By: Eric Wyatt Proprietary Asset creation is essential, but what program can help you with creating assets that will help your brand? FollowFollow In an ongoing effort to provide branders with all they need to make the best of their...
by Eric Wyatt | Jan 14, 2019 | Brand Basics, Clarifying and Articulation, Identity and Visualize, Managing and Extending, Research and Discovery
Wordless Brandmark By: Eric Wyatt When a brand reaches 80% recognition are they at the point they can drop their name from their logo? One brand thinks so. FollowFollow GET THEM LETTERS OUT OF HERE When you scroll down in a moment, I’m going to show you a brand...
by Eric Wyatt | Jan 14, 2019 | Managing and Extending
Branders Toolbox: Adobe Acrobat By: Eric Wyatt Consistency is Important, but how do you ensure consistency on electronic files you send out? FollowFollow In an ongoing effort to provide branders with all they need to make the best of their brands, BrandingPower will...
by Eric Wyatt | Dec 24, 2018 | Brand Basics, Brand Dynamics, Managing and Extending
GET READY WITH A CHECK The end of any year brings with it a certain number of things—reflection, goal setting, resolutions, and so forth. The end of year also allows a natural time to look back and think about certain areas affecting your brand. You can evaluate what...
by Eric Wyatt | Dec 11, 2018 | Brand Dynamics, Brand Ideals, General, Managing and Extending
IN THE BEGINNINGAs humans, we are drawn to a good story. Perhaps its somehow written in our DNA. Ever since Nog told the story of his hunting expedition to his fellow cavemen, we have used stories to get our point across. Whether the story is presented visually,...
by Eric Wyatt | Dec 11, 2018 | Brand Dynamics, Managing and Extending
GROWING TAKES ACTION As a brander, you need to know how to build your brand. No brand has ever been successful by doing the same thing day in and day out and gotten different results. As you build your brand you need to be ready to adapt to new ways of doing things....