The Branding Process | Phase 3
Identity and Visualize
Your brand identity and the visual aspects of your brand are created to reflect the brand brief and creative brief you developed in Phase 2 (Clarifying and Articulation). You also need to focus on visualizing the future while exploring key applications where the brand might live. A common mistake is that many look at or choose just one brand identity treatment based on personal preferences, thereby ignoring the results of the previous two phases.
Visualize the Future
Planning for today starts with visualizing where you’ll be in the future.
Brainstorming the “Big Idea” of Your Brand
What’s the big idea? Do you know your brand’s big idea, how it connects to your why and the characteristics of a successful big idea?
Design Brand Identity System
You have a brand so you need a logo, right? No, you need a brand identity system, but what does that mean?
Explore Key Uses and Applications
As you start to work on your brand identity system, you need to test against real world examples based on your key touchpoints.
Finalize Brand Architecture
Your brand architecture can help your brand in many ways. Do you know the benefits of setting up your brand architecture?
Present Visual Strategy
It’s time to present your visual strategy. Are you ready? Learn what it takes to present yours today.